site policy

Accessibility policy

1, policy

 This site is referred to as Japanese Industrial Standard JIS X 8341-3 "Design Guidelines for the Elderly / Persons with Disabilities-Devices, Software and Services in Information and Communication-Part 3: Web Content" (hereinafter referred to as "JIS X 8341-3". ), The goal is to comply with the grade "AA".


 TOKYO Design Manhole Digital Rally Official Homepage ( and its subordinate pages.

Deadline and grade to reach the goal

  • Achievement deadline: March 31, 2025
  • Achievement grade: The goal is to comply with priority A (including JIS X8341 3: 2016 conformance levels "A" and "AA").

About technology

1st Recommended environment

 We recommend the following browsers on this site for safer and more comfortable use.

  1. Google Chrome latest version
  2. Mozilla Firefox latest version
  3. Safari latest version
  4. Microsoft Edge latest version

2, technology used

This site uses cookies for the purpose of making it more convenient for visitors to browse and to obtain information for continuous improvement of the site.
Cookies are information sent from the server related to the operation of this site to your browser, and are recorded on your computer. However, the recorded information does not include any personally identifiable information such as your name, address, or telephone number.
In addition, it does not have a direct adverse effect on your computer.
In order to understand the access status of each page, we may use cookies of a third party company outsourced by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

This site uses JavaScript in some content to make it more comfortable to use.
Please note that if JavaScript is not turned on (enabled) in your browser settings, it may not be displayed correctly or you may not be able to operate it.

This site uses TLS encrypted communication for some services in order to improve the security level.
To use the applicable service, your web browser must support TLS 1.2.
By using a web browser that supports security functions, personal information such as names, addresses, or telephone numbers entered by all users is automatically encrypted and sent and received.
In the unlikely event that the transmitted data is intercepted by a third party, there is no risk of the content being stolen. In addition, the page may not be available due to firewall settings.

Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems is required to view PDF files. If Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed or the contents of the homepage are not displayed correctly, please download the latest version before viewing.

3, information security policy (information system security)

 This site protects information assets from threats with the aim of continuing business with the trust of everyone who uses it and fulfilling its social mission as an administrative agency.

  1. In order to maintain the safety and accuracy of information assets, we will endeavor to prevent unauthorized access, destruction, falsification, loss and leakage, etc., and implement appropriate safety measures.
  2. Regarding the handling of information assets, we will comply with the Tokyo Metropolitan Information Security Basic Policy, laws and regulations, and other norms.
  3. When outsourcing the processing of information assets, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will manage it appropriately.
  4. We will create a mechanism for continuous improvement and aim to maintain and improve information security.

Terms of use and legal matters

1, disclaimer

 The information on this site is posted with the utmost care, but we do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. In addition, it may be changed or deleted without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any loss caused directly or indirectly by using the information or contents contained in this site.

2, prohibited matter

 The following actions are prohibited when using this site.

  1. Acts that interfere with or hinder the operation of this site.
  2. Actions that cause or may cause inconvenience, disadvantage, privacy, etc. to other users, third parties, or our company.
  3. Acts that are or may be offensive to public order and morals.
  4. Acts that violate the law, decree or ordinance.
  5. Other acts that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government deems inappropriate.

3, change of terms

 The contents of this site policy are subject to change or deletion without notice.

4, law compliance and court of jurisdiction

 Unless otherwise specified, the use of this site and the site policy shall be governed by Japanese law. In addition, the Tokyo District Court shall be the court under the exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance for all disputes related to the use of this site.

About multilingual support policy

 An English site is available. Click "English" located at the top right of the page to move to the English site.

Handling and use of personal information

 Personal information sent to the secretariat for inquiries etc. will not be used for any purpose other than replying to the content of the inquiry. Personal information will be managed by the secretariat and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and will not be transferred to a third party without the consent of the individual, unless disclosure is required by law or public organization.

About copyright

 The text, illustrations, logos, photographs, videos, software, and other information posted on this site are subject to copyright and are protected by copyright law.

about the link

 In principle, links to this site are free regardless of whether it is for profit or non-profit. Please make the settings after clearly stating that it is a link to this site. However, please refrain from setting links that fall under or may fall under any of the following.

  1. When the content is intended to slander the Tokyo Metropolitan Government or other companies (persons) or other organizations, or to damage the credit.
  2. When there is an act or risk of infringing intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademark rights, property, privacy, portrait rights, or other rights of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government or other companies (persons) or other organizations.
  3. When it becomes unclear that the content is from Tokyo, such as when the content of this site is expanded within the frame, which may mislead a third party.
  4. In addition to the above items, if there is a risk of violating laws, ordinances, rules, or public order and morals, or interfering with the operation of this site.
  5. When linking using logos and marks owned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government without permission
  6. When linking in a way that misleads the information source
    Please note that the URL of this site is subject to change without notice. Please note that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is not responsible for any damages or complaints related to other links.

TOKYO Design Manhole
Digital Rally Secretariat
phone 0570-095-222
email address